We advocate for a fairer, more prosperous and sustainable Dallas Fort Worth Region in which communities are engaged, empowered, and excited to help shape where and how we grow in order to enhance connectivity, accessibility, and quality of life.
fostering infill development, multimodal transportation choices, and walkable communities — while protecting the open spaces and agricultural lands threatened by further sprawling development.
monitoring and influencing where and how our communities grow and championing strong public participation in local planning.
reinvestment in our existing infrastructure, preservation of our neighborhoods and open spaces, and linked land use and transportation solutions.
actively pursuing an economic model that strengthens the communities it serves.
Smart Growth is a better way to build and maintain our towns and cities. Smart Growth means building urban, suburban and rural communities with housing and transportation choices near jobs, shops and schools. This approach supports local economies, protects the environment, and preserves farmland, forests, and open spaces.
Mixed land use attracts pedestrians and helps revitalize community life by making streets, public spaces, and pedestrian-oriented retail become places where people meet.
Compact building design suggests that communities be laid out in a way that preserves more open space, and that individual buildings optimize use of land and resources.
A wider range of housing opportunities and choices can generate a strong foundation of support for neighborhood transit stops, commercial centers, and other services.
Walkable communities provide goods and services within an easy and safe walk, creating a streetscape for a range of users – pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and drivers.
Smart growth encourages communities to craft a vision and set standards for development that respect community values of architectural beauty and distinctiveness.
Land preservation bolsters local economies, preserves critical environmental areas, improves community quality of life, and guides new growth into existing communities.
Development in existing communities strengthens tax revenues, increases access to jobs and services, optimizes use of land and infrastructure, preserves open land, and boosts rural communities
To mitigate the effects of traffic congestion, communities are using a multi-modal approach to transportation along with supportive development patterns, to create a variety of transportation options.
Local governments can provide smart growth leadership for the private sector by supporting development of innovative, walkable, and mixed-use projects.
Great neighborhoods offer housing choices, are vibrant and healthy places that protect open space and natural resources, allow cities & towns to plan for the future, and establish predictable permitting for small businesses and property owners.
DFW is becoming one of the most expensive housing markets in the country because it lacks the kind of homes that are within reach of moderate-income families. Rents have continued to increase as a result of pent-up demand for apartments in places near jobs and transportation. Many long-time tenants are forced out by market pressure.
At the same time, large areas of the state suffer from continued disinvestment and stagnant home values, such as Central and Western Massachusetts, the South Coast, and our older industrial cities and towns. These areas need to strengthen their housing markets in order to attract much needed investment and improve the quality of the housing stock
Every community has a responsibility to provide a range of housing choices for its residents, including affordable homes for families with children, and safe, centrally located apartments for seniors and singles. Excluding people based on race, class, age, or other attributes, must not be tolerated.
The NTTF works to draw investment back to existing urban centers and to foster more housing production that is walkable, transit-oriented, and affordable.
Growth of our cities and towns is shaped by our transportation system. The NTTF is part of adiverse coalition of organizations working to create safe, convenient, and affordable transportation for everyone.
We advocate for transportation funds to be spent fairly and responsibly, for transportation decisions that are transparent and accountable, and to ensure that our transportation network has sufficient resources to meet tomorrow’s needs all throughout the DFW Region.
We need to expand walking, biking, and public transportation. Since people and businesses now want to be in vibrant, walkable areas, doing so will help our economy grow and meet our vast need for housing. Better transportation options also open economic opportunities for people without cars, such as youth, many seniors, and low-income residents.
Successful communities need jobs and commerce, and they should be located in places where people can easily get to them.
The best way to get involved is to make your voice heard, by any means that work for you. Reach out to elected representatives, participate in local government surveys, or help spread the word to your friends and neighbors. Sign up for our email list to stay on top of local issues, and never miss an opportunity to engage
Whether by signing up to comment on issues before city or county meetings, writing letters to government boards and commissions, or reaching out person-to-person, sharing your voice with elected decision-makers is one of the best ways to make an impact. Reaching out to a local or state representative could make you one of the only constituents they hear from on a given issue.
They are your neighbors; your children might attend the same school, you might visit the same local shops, or maybe even share a block. They’re there to represent you and issues local to your community, so they want to know what you think!
Sign up for our email list to stay on top of our region’s issues, and never miss an opportunity to make your voice heard. We rarely send more than one email a week, and will never sell your data to third parties.
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North Texas Tomorrow Fund © Copyright 2022
North Texas Tomorrow Fund © Copyright 2022